Your Questions: Answered

I’m on journey, just like everyone else… 

Welcome to my vlog, where I try my best to share with you what’s on my mind, the great people that I have met and the lessons I am learning on my journey through lifeI'll describe ideas and tools that are particularly relevant and practical, along with how to be successful using them in your own life. 


I expect that many ideas and topics will come up along the way and hope you will find them relevant, but mostly I will be covering: 

Leadership and Management 


Productivity & Excellence 

Health and Wellness  

Lifelong learning 

Equality, cause hey, as a black woman, it does seem to come up in my life:-)


Constructive debate is healthy for the soul  

This vlog represents my current perspective, and I do love the sharing and exchanging of ideas so please do respond, comment, and even disagree to contribute and add value and depth to the conversation 

But always keep your comments relevant to the conversations taking place, and please be respectful. Anything else will be moderated right out. (including blatant advertising or promotion) 


Thank you for reading, visiting and being part of the conversation 


P.S. And if you want to know more, subscribe to receive my regular updates, I promise that I will not flood you with emails (we are all very busy people) 

YQA: Brain Pickings

How many times have people asked to pick your brain…and actually, how many times have you asked to pick someone’s brain… what exactly is a ‘brain picking’?

The thing is, the internet offers us a plethora of experts, so how do you go about choosing who’s brain you should pick, without falling into a vicious cycle of dodging constant sales emails. There is one thing I look for when looking for an experts help, so watch this weeks YQA video for the tip that will save you loads of heartache and pain when looking for knowledge or services online.

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